Jigsaws - Is Your Business Fully Digitized?
For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the horse was lost. For want of a horse the rider was lost. For want of a rider the battle was lost. For want of a battle the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.
Much like a jigsaw, a business has a great many things that make up the whole. All are required to get to the end with a completed product. Sure, you can get by with a piece missing here and there - You can look at an incomplete jigsaw from afar, and still know what it depicts, but closer inspection will reveal something’s not quite right.
Gaps in the jigsaw often result in lost revenue, internal waste, and departments dependent on each other become victims of the other’s inefficiencies, compounding the issue. For want of a jigsaw piece, the puzzle is soon lost.
To remedy this, a common approach is to seek off-the-shelf packages. However, this can lead to high costs, multiple packages, people needing to learn numerous systems, and the challenges of flowing information across them.
This is where a no-code platform like Softools comes in. Instead of providing generic pieces, we can provide the ability to create your own puzzle pieces, for your exact needs, as you see them. No-code platforms are to business processes as 3D printers are to manufacturers - the in-house ability to create your own innovations.
(Though for simple problems, we do provide customisable & off-the-shelf solutions, too - click here to view our off-the-shelf Apps)
Instantaneous adaptability is only the first advantage of a no-code platform. Thanks to advanced security features, when your people are making use of one ecosystem, sharing data with the right users, securely, is not just possible, but automatic. The procurement team can perform their supplier due diligence audits, while the manufacturing team manages their supplier non-conformance checks. Both teams are automatically using the same master data sourced from the same place. Who can see what, and which information is shared across teams, is fully configurable.
Furthermore, a business, and all of its puzzle pieces, must keep up with the times. Each of those pieces must be modernised and brought forward into the digital age. Without a versatile platform that allows you to update and change your pieces on demand, your only option is to arrange to replace them entirely, piece by piece, and modernisation can quickly become an expensive and resource-intensive endeavour. This is a key factor behind many businesses not modernising - it has been expensive and difficult in the past. Today, this need not be the case - invest in a flexible platform that enables your organisation to fill gaps quickly and respond to the need for change without outside delays.
To chat to us about what you need, and whether we can help, email us at info@softools or message us on Twitter.