How Do Consultancy Firms Benefit from NoCode Tools like Softools For Digitisation

More than ever before, high-speed digitisation and hyperautomation have become critical for businesses to sustain their competitive edge and comply with government policies. This speed relies on how fast companies can leverage low-code and nocode technologies. Gartner forecasts a rise of business technologists – process experts and managers – who can build apps via low-code or nocode rapidly to serve complex process scenarios, be they internal processes or customer-facing services.

Every organisation that is digitising its processes to grow in the modern era needs business technologists who can use nocode tools to bring custom, integrated hyperautomation and connected digital systems at scale to business processes.

“Organizations are increasingly turning to low-code development technologies to fulfil growing demands for speed application delivery and highly customized automation workflows,”

“Equipping both, professional IT developers and non-IT personas like business technologists with diverse low-code tools, enables organisations to reach the level of digital competency and speed of delivery required for the modern agile environment.”
— Varsha Mehta, Senior Market Research Specialist at Gartner.

Sectors such as IT consultancy can harness automation workflows and hyperautomation to unlock multiple avenues of sustainable business growth and process transformation. 

NoCode platforms like Softools can offer several benefits to consultancy firms and their operations. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

Increased Agility

Nocode platforms allow rapid application development with minimal coding. This agility enables consulting firms to respond quickly to changing client needs, market demands, and emerging opportunities.

Maximized Productivity

Process consultants/Business Analysts can create applications themselves delivering outcomes rather than recommendations.

Improved Customer and Employee Experiences

Nocode applications can enhance client interactions and internal workflows. By creating user-friendly interfaces and automating repetitive tasks, consulting firms can implement solutions rather than tell their client what they need to implement.

Increased Collaboration Between Business and IT

Noode tools empower non-IT employees to participate in the companies Digital Transformation journey. 

Quick and Easy Change and Maintenance Processes

NoCode’s customizability promotes agile and iterative development, which enables the business to try an application and modify based on real-life feedback, making the solution’s accuracy match your unique process needs.

Lower Barrier to Entry

Nocode development allows a broader range of stakeholders to contribute. The people who understand the process can create the digital soluton. This reduces the dependency on scarce technical resources, boosts motivation and ultimately productivity.

Areas you can digitise right away with our industry-grade apps suits which are 100% customisable to match your workflows and automation needs:

Consulting Firms are using Softools to transform their client’s processes and to digitise their own IP, for example, Maturity assessments, Audits and Project Assurance processes. Below are some of the processes which consultancy firms can digitise rapidly into industry-grade nocode apps using Softools, with end-to-end customisability:

Project Management: Develop custom applications for project tracking, scheduling, and resource allocation. NoCode tools can be used to create interactive dashboards that provide real-time visibility into project progress, milestones, and risks.

Client Relationship Management (CRM): Implement a customized CRM system to manage client interactions, feedback, and service delivery. This can help in streamlining communication, enhancing customer service, and maintaining a centralized database of client information.

Data Analysis and Reporting: Create tools for data collection, analysis, and visualization. Consultancy firms can build custom applications to process and analyze data from various sources, generating insights and reports tailored to specific client needs.

Internal Operations: Digitize internal processes such as HR management, expense tracking, and timesheets. NoCode platforms can automate many administrative tasks, reducing manual work and improving efficiency.

Knowledge Management: Develop systems for knowledge sharing and management within the firm. This can include creating repositories for case studies, research papers, and best practices, making it easier for consultants to access and leverage organizational knowledge.

Compliance and Risk Management: Implement tools to manage regulatory compliance and risk assessment projects. Custom applications can help in monitoring compliance requirements, conducting risk assessments, and generating compliance reports.

Sales and Marketing: Use Ns to build marketing websites, email campaigns, and sales funnels. These applications can assist in lead generation, customer segmentation, and campaign management.

Custom Client Solutions: Develop bespoke applications and tools for clients as part of consultancy projects. This can include creating digital solutions to specific challenges faced by clients, and enhancing the value provided by the consultancy firm.

Collaboration and Communication: Build platforms for internal and external communication, including forums, chat applications, and collaborative workspaces. This enhances teamwork and facilitates smoother collaboration on projects.

Training and Development: Create e-learning platforms and training modules for staff development. These can be tailored to the specific needs of the consultancy firm and its clients, supporting ongoing professional development.

Softools, No Code Platform, is an ideal choice for consulting firms to accelerate digital transformation because it has been designed from the ground up for the purpose of digitally transforming business processes and to be used by citizen developers, people without IT skills who work in the business and understand the process. It is common for Softools to be used to digitise Excel-based processes and templates which were created to standardise work but cause issues with collaboration, single version of the truth and security.

Contact us to find out more and discuss your digitisation opportunities.


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