Platform SLA’s
Support Services Policy
Softools support services run continuously throughout the term of a Statement of Work (‘SOW’) and provide authorised Partner or Client administrators with second line support via email and a support ticketing system. First line application support is provided via Partner to Client technical resources and Client administrators – the client ‘help desk’.
Support applies to both the server running the Softools platform (whether internal to the client or running on the Softools cloud), and the application itself. The support offered is strictly limited to the Softools application and component parts and is exclusive of third-party hardware or software - component parts may include the database server and backup routines where installed and set-up by Softools.
Support Services
Softools will provide support services to the authorised Partner/Client administrator on the following basis:
○ Responses to Client reports sent to the Softools support ticketing system (Emails sent to support@Softools .net) of difficulties or problems with the software application and assistance in diagnosis of faults. The Client must provide adequate information and documentation to enable Softools to recreate or diagnose the problem.
○ In some cases, Softools may notify the Client that the problem could not be recreated, located or identified. If applicable Softools may notify the Client that the problem will not be resolved and the reason for this decision. If it is determined that there is no problem with the software products, Softools will so inform the Client. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, Softools makes no warranties that the support services provided hereunder will be successful in resolving any difficulties or problems or in diagnosing faults.
○ Response times to valid requests will be made in accordance to the levels listed below, which depend on the incident priority, either by email or telephone.
○ Softools will log any reports (incidents) on their internal incident database and be able to provide a historic list of incidents and their current status to the Client upon request (within 5 working days). Softools reserve the right to change the method of capture and report of these incidents as better tracking mechanisms become available.
○ Softools may provide without additional charge, revised or updated releases of the software application originally licensed when such revised or updated releases are made generally available. Softools shall have no responsibility for Client hardware or connection problems on the server or server software that has been subject to improper use, accident, neglect or modification.
○ On-site consultation, if requested by the Client and subject to availability of Softools technical staff, will be provided at Softools then current standard rates plus reasonable associated expenses.
○ The Client’s internal administrators will include at least one technical person to provide first line support for the software. This person will attend a Softools Administrator training day and will provide the technical interface between the Client and Softools. In the event of an administrator leaving the company, additional administrators will need to be trained at extra cost
○ Where the Softools application is being hosted internally within the client environment the client must inform Softools as and when additional software is to be loaded on the server, including operating system upgrades, as this may affect the running of the server software. Failure to do so may invalidate this support service or agreed SLAs
○ Softools reserves the right to charge for the resolution of Incidents caused by clients’ incorrect use of the platform. Examples would include incorrect deletion of data by a client administrator or user that needs to be recovered, or resolution of expression errors in templates or dashboards created by App Builders.
Incident Types and Response / Resolution Times
Incident resolution is based on industry standard classifications and prioritisation of incidents as follows:
● Priority 1 - Softools platform is down causing a critical impact on business operations if services are not restored quickly. No workaround is available. The client is willing to commit substantial resources around the clock to resolve the situation e.g. platform not responding, or App not responding.
Response Time - 4 Hours
Resolution Time - 2 Days
● Priority 2 - Softools platform performance is severely degraded impacting significant aspects of business operations. No work-around is available. The client is willing to commit full-time resources during business hours to resolve the situation e.g. a part of an app is not responding or a key feature is not working.
Response Time - 1 Day
Resolution Time - 4 Days
● Priority 3 - Softools platform performance is degraded. Operational performance is impaired but most business operations continue e.g. a report is not able to sort, or a Field is not able to accept the right type of data
Response Time - 2 Days
Resolution Time - 8 Days
● Priority 4 - The client requires information or assistance on installation or configuration or usage e.g. “How do I add to My Reports”, or “Can I change this field type”
Response Time - 4 Days
Resolution Time - 16 Days
Hours stated above are UK 9 am - 5 pm business hours. Extended levels of support such as the provision of support on a 24x7 basis can be provided as required at extra cost. Response and resolution times are business working hours (UK GMT), and do not include bank holidays or weekends.
Platform Release Process
As part of the standard support service Softools operates an agile (Sprint-based) Release process for the application platform. This includes feature enhancements and bug fixes that ensure that the Client will always be running on the latest proven version of the software. Softools reserves the right to distribute releases as and when required and will take every precaution to keep the impact to the client to as little as possible.
New applications and client-specific functionality which addresses different business needs are not included in the support services under this Agreement. These will be made available to the Client on a commercial project by project basis subject to the availability of Softools development resources.